I’ve been thinking about the Spanish-American War (April 21, 1898 – December 10, 1898) a lot lately and not only because I’m deep into my pal Lauren Willig’s wonderful historical novel, TWO WARS AND A WEDDING, set in Cuba at the height of the conflict.
Thanks, Denise! My dad was a Mason too but didn't talk about it much, or at all. I was always fascinated by the aura of secrecy and trying to get him to spill the beans but of course he never did.
I found this, too, though I used the wrong date: https://books.google.com/books?id=nDZHMvwrN0AC&pg=PA267&lpg=PA267&dq=why+would+someone+sue+the+freemasons+for+sick+benefits+in+the+early+1900s&source=bl&ots=LoO4A2K6BU&sig=ACfU3U1r3IZHK_FhSlk8C43uDHnO85592A&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiWhLrc2aj_AhVjF1kFHQSqARo4ChDoAXoECAIQAw#v=onepage&q=why%20would%20someone%20sue%20the%20freemasons%20for%20sick%20benefits%20in%20the%20early%201900s&f=false
My dad is a member of a Masonic Lodge, and I thought I remembered something about insurance over the years.
Thanks, Denise! My dad was a Mason too but didn't talk about it much, or at all. I was always fascinated by the aura of secrecy and trying to get him to spill the beans but of course he never did.